Have You Met the Who Family!?
Posted on November 15, 2024
Meeting the Who family from Dr. Seuss’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas! is like stepping into a world of heartwarming chaos and joyful curiosity! Each cast member brings their own delightful touch to the Christmas cheer of Whoville.
Ryan Shipley (JP Who)
Why are you excited to return to Whoville? Let me tell you, there is nothing more joyful than being a Who. Sharing that joy with students and families during the holidays is an absolute gift.
What is your favorite holiday tradition? After all the presents are unwrapped we play games with the entire extended family. Living far away from the ones I love, this is the time that I cherish. Circled up with my clan of weirdos, laughing our butts off.
What is a favorite holiday memory? Driving home from my grandma and grandpa’s house on Christmas Eve, scanning the sky from the back seat window to see if we could spot Santa.
What in your life makes you feel like a Who? Small acts of kindness. Community. Our cat, Celia. Sweet treats.
What are you most excited for audiences to experience with this show? I think it’s helpful to be reminded that we can all change and grow. The Grinch’s transformation is my absolute favorite part of the show and a necessary reminder that we always have the option to own up to our mistakes, make amends and choose love.
Autumn Ness (Mama Who)
Why are you excited to return to Whoville? This show is so special for me because of the people I have worked on it with in the past. Some of them are not around anymore, but they are all in my mind and my heart when I perform the show.
What is your favorite holiday tradition? I love cutting down the Christmas tree. Most of the year, I would not hand my son a saw, but for some reason when we are isolated in the woods without access to a medical professional, I’m like, “Here you go son, saw away!”
What is a favorite holiday memory? My grandfather made me a dollhouse one year, I loved it. My husband gave me an engagement ring for Christmas, and that worked out pretty good! And I love watching Christmas movies with my boys
What in your life makes you feel like a Who? I feel like a Who when I see the little things people do for each other as we go through the run of the show. When someone bakes a treat to share in the dressing room, or when our crew decorates our greenroom, or our greenroom supervisor wears her holiday sweaters!
What are you most excited for audiences to experience with this show? I have a secret, I know a place to peek at the audience before the show from backstage, and I do it every day. I can see the families coming in their Grinch onesies, taking pictures and sitting on laps. It’s a great feeling that everyone came to spend time with loved ones.
Adam Qualls (Grandpa Who)
Why are you excited to return to Whoville? I’m excited to look at Whoville through new eyes this year! We will miss Peter as our director, but I know Dean will bring a brilliant perspective, and we are going to have a lot of fun getting there.
What is your favorite holiday tradition? My favorite holiday tradition is probably going to see a movie. There’s always a good one out on Christmas Day.
What in your life makes you feel like a Who? I feel like a Who when any movie, TV show, or even commercial makes me cry, which is actually pretty often.
Suzie Juul (Grandma Who)
Why are you excited to return to Whoville? Coming back to Whoville is like coming hope to the biggest, goofiest, kindest, and most off the walls family I’ve ever been a part of! I can’t wait to share this lovely show with every single cast member!
What is your favorite holiday tradition? Every Christmas I go to my parents’ house, we wear matching pajamas and open our gifts one by one–taking turns–to really live in the moment and be sure that each gift is received with care and gratitude! And my mom makes cinnamon rolls–it’s the best!
What is a favorite holiday memory? As a kid, it’s wrapping myself up in blankets, looking out the window late at night and KNOWING that I saw Santa and his reindeer flying in the sky! I made sure to leave cookies and milk out for Santa and carrots and oats out for the reindeer!
What in your life makes you feel like a Who? My wonderful community of family and friends that keep things buzzing, keep me on my toes, and who remind me to be kind, grateful, and loving!
What are you most excited for audiences to experience with this show? I can’t wait for audiences to see our delightful, heartwarming show! The story is timeless and universal! We all know someone who needs a little extra time and care, like The Grinch does! It might take a while for them to have a great epiphany–but never give up!
Chloe Hu (Cindy-Lou Who)
Why are you excited to return to Whoville? I love the energy and excitement that happens when you perform the show! It gives me so much joy when I see how the audience reacts to the show. I am also excited to meet new cast members and reunite with past cast members.
What is your favorite holiday tradition? Decorating the Christmas tree is definitely my favorite holiday tradition. I enjoy working with my family to make the tree look amazing in the end!
What is a favorite holiday memory? My favorite holiday memory is opening presents. The excitement that you get when finding out what you got, then the joy of having a new present in your hands is just a great feeling!
What are you most excited for audiences to experience with this show? Spoiler Alert: When all the Whos come out and sing to the audience. The audience is always so surprised when they see the Whos surrounding them.
Batya Rose Green Hofkin (Cindy-Lou Who)
Why are you excited to enter Whoville? Whoville seems like a great place to be with animated little Whos, and being a little (okay, a lot) over-animated myself, I know I’ll love being whisked away in my character to very exciting surroundings.
What is your favorite holiday tradition? My favorite holiday tradition is Passover Seder.
What is a favorite holiday memory? One of my most fond holiday memories was when I said something really funny, and everyone at the Passover Seder table started laughing and I accidentally laughed too hard and spat water onto my younger cousin. But all she said was, “Cool.” We couldn’t stop laughing after that.
What in your life makes you feel like a Who? Something in my life that makes me feel like a Who is spreading love and joy
What are you most excited for audiences to experience with this show? I’m most excited for the audience to experience the emotion that comes with being able to connect with the onstage characters and the story itself. I’m going to try to make my character someone they can do that with.
Dallas Downey (Danny Who)
Why are you excited to return to Whoville? I am excited to return to Whoville because there is something really special about sharing and creating happy memories with the audience. It’s a really great feeling and it has made returning to Whoville so much fun.
What is your favorite holiday tradition? Every Christmas, our family and friends all come together and have a Christmas morning brunch. The laughs, stories, and memories we all share make the day so memorable and special.
What is a favorite holiday memory? My family is very spread around the country, but, one year we all came together here in Minnesota. Many of them come from states with no snow, so we all went sledding together and the joy and essence of the holiday season that radiated that day was so memorable.
What in your life makes you feel like a Who? The joy and happiness in the air around the holiday season. Everyone is always cheerful, and it makes me happy too.
What are you most excited for audiences to experience with this show? The show is a very positive and fun experience, and I love seeing other people happy, it makes me happy. The smiles on the audiences’ faces is what I’m excited to see.
Mollie Allen (Annie Who)
Why are you excited to return to Whoville? I am so excited to return back to Whoville to see my friends and to welcome new Whos!!
What is your favorite holiday tradition? I have a tradition with my family on Christmas Eve, where we have chocolate fondue by the fireplace and we watch the Polar Express or Home Alone.
What is a favorite holiday memory? My favorite holiday memory is the first Christmas we got to spend with my dog, Daisy!! She has her own stocking, and we filled it with treats and toys!
What in your life makes you feel like a Who? I feel like a Who when I eat really good food because I do a little wiggle like a Who.
What are you most excited for audiences to experience with this show? I’m excited for the audience to experience the overwhelming amount of joy on stage!!
Chloe Sorensen (Boo Who)
Why are you excited to enter Whoville? I love Christmas and family!
What is your favorite holiday tradition? Baking Christmas cookies and my grandma and grandpa’s potato soup in bread bowls.
What is a favorite holiday memory? Going to the Christmas tree farm, drinking hot chocolate and spending hours finding the perfect Christmas tree!
What in your life makes you feel like a Who? Being happy and excited about Christmas!
What makes you feel like a Grinch? Hmmm, this one is a tough one for me. I’m not very grinchy at all!!!
What are you most excited for audiences to experience with this show? To feel the joy and magic of Christmas!
Any other cool facts, tidbits, individualisms, etc. about you that you’d like to share? I love to sing, play piano, draw and paint! My most favorite thing in the world is acting though. If I could sleep on stage, wake up and start acting that would be perfect!