Meet the Monsters of Leonardo!
Posted on January 10, 2025
Meet the monsters of Leonardo! A Wonderful Show About a Terrible Monster. Learn about their scaring techniques, what they like to do, and their favorite foods!
Favorite scare technique: I like to go for the classic Loud & Abrupt technique. Occasionally, I’ll incorporate a limb wiggle, though really there are diminishing returns when you only have two arms. Breath support is really important, so I always try to ground my feet, breathe from my diaphragm, and resonate through my head voice. (It should be noted that at the time of this writing, these techniques have yet to result in a successful scare.)
Favorite food: Pineapple pizza, strawberry milk, vanilla ice cream.
Favorite activity: Going to a coffee shop with friends.
Fun fact: While my grades in Scary Studies were less than stellar, I am a star student in the Monster Jazz Band!
Favorite scare technique: Sneak up and surprise ’em with a big loud “wubbida wubbida wubbida!” It’s never worked, but I sure do enjoy trying!
Favorite food: Dill pickle ice cream.
Favorite activity: Puzzles! Any kind. Jigsaw, crossword, ancient river crossing puzzles…I love ’em all!
Fun fact: Tied for “Least Likely to Scare” with Leonardo back when we were in monster school together.
Favorite scare technique: It’s hard to choose, because I’m, like, the best at all of them. Jumping out from behind something, making scary sounds without being seen, a big classic ROOOAAAARRR!!! You name it, I’ve, like, totally scared someone with it.
Favorite food: Monster Muncherz (“Screamin’ Scareberry” flavor)
Favorite activity: Dance Dance Roarvolution
Fun fact: Monster State Scare Champion three years running.
Favorite scare technique: meemim mum meemime mummum, mem mumming mow!
Favorite food: mamemmi am meema
Favorite activity: maymim mim ma mem
Fun fact: ma mam mo my mem muh meemo mum!
Favorite scare technique: Jumping out of the shadows and laughing maniacally.
Favorite food: Blue cotton candy (it looks like my fur).
Favorite activity: Talking and eating ice cream with friends! Or I think it will be, when I make some friends!
Fun fact: I ran the student newspaper at Monster High School!
Don’t forget to come see all the monsters in Leonardo! A Wonderful Show About a Terrible Monster, at CTC January 8-March 9, 2025. Get tickets today!