Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
World Premiere
Audition Prep (Grades 6-8)
August 21-August 25
Tuition: $400
World Premiere camps focus on creating original scenes or plays through acting exercises, group brainstorm, and improvisation.
Perfect the art of auditioning with CTC’s Audition Prep camp! Students will learn how to prepare an audition songbook, dance combinations, and practice techniques for monologues and cold readings. Once you have the basics down, put them to the test with CTC’s own casting director, Traci Shannon, and receive valuable feedback on your performance.
Camp ID: WP-F611Z23
August 21-August 25
Tuition: $400
Education & Covid-19 Safety Policies
Children’s Theatre Company is grateful to be developing our COVID-19 Safety Practices & Policies with the Minnesota Department of Health. We make intentional choices in our classroom practices to make sure we are a welcoming and safe space for students of all abilities, ethnicities, economic statuses, sexual orientations, and gender identities.