Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Stagecraft: Craft Wars (Grades 6-8)
June 27-July 1
Time: 9am-4pm
Tuition: $385
Stagecraft (SC) camps use visual art such as puppets, scenery creation, or props as a starting point for theatrical creation. Tuition may include a supply fee.
Choose your weapon! Use paper, cardboard, and foam to create swords, daggers, and more while learning the basics of stage combat technique. Devise an original piece as you practice focus, collaboration, and keeping your partner safe.
Camp Id: F642Z22
Dates: June 27-July 1
Time: 9am-4pm
Tuition: $385
Education & Covid-19 Safety Policies
Children’s Theatre Company is grateful to be developing our COVID-19 Safety Practices & Policies with the Minnesota Department of Health. We make intentional choices in our classroom practices to make sure we are a welcoming and safe space for students of all abilities, ethnicities, economic statuses, sexual orientations, and gender identities.